Accelerated, reliable due diligence, driven by AI


Accelerated, reliable due diligence, driven by AI

Clarum helps private equity firms close more deals by conducting quicker due diligence. Using Clarum, a firm can import files from their data room to get answers to hundreds of questions in minutes. We can displace the private capital industry by providing investors with quantitative insights from their abundant private internal data.

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Interview Difficulty


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Interview Experience

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Was it worth applying?

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Interview Insights

Average Interview Rounds


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Average Total Interview Time


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Interview Experience Insights

The company's interview process, while lengthy and intensive, effectively assesses candidates' fit for a demanding founding engineer role, resulting in high satisfaction among those who complete it.

Clarum's founders demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and technical acumen, creating a positive interview experience that aligns with the company's expectations for commitment and innovation.

Founder Ratings

Anton Otaner

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Anton Otaner is the Co-founder & CEO of Clarum. Before Clarum, Anton was a blockchain engineer at Mint where he worked on scalable blockchain solutions to secure gated content. Prior to Mint, he was the lead mobile AR engineer at EPHAS, an Ericsson One startup, managing client relationships and developing apps for businesses to create and access AR experiences. Anton enjoys tackling challenging situations; for instance, he ran 84 km in a snowstorm with a broken arm to raise money for charity.

Feedback for Anton Otaner

Sustain high levels of communication and positive attitude
Further refine clarity in explanations and discussions
Enhance technical depth in interview questions if needed

Tommy He

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Tommy He is the co-founder & CTO of Clarum. Before Clarum, Tommy worked on low latency market connections and trade execution at Tower Research Capital. Before that, he worked on private intersection of knowledge graphs at Optable (adtech startup) and devops at Principal. Throughout university, he studied theoretical math & computer science, conducting research on post quantum cryptography and machine learning.

Feedback for Tommy He

Improve question clarity by providing more context
Maintain strong communication and technical assessment skills
Continue fostering an open and receptive atmosphere for candidate ideas

Feedback for Clarum & Future Candidates

Feedback for Clarum

Develop a streamlined project setup script to improve the technical interview experience

Consider balancing the intensity of the interview process with clearer expectations about the founding engineer role

Maintain the positive and hospitable onsite interview environment while refining question clarity

Feedback for Future Candidates

Prepare for a lengthy and intensive interview process, including multiple rounds and significant time commitment

Come ready to discuss and demonstrate your ideas, as the company values innovative approaches

Ensure you're comfortable with the demands of a founding engineer role before applying, including long work hours and high commitment